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Constructor TThreadEx.Create

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Creates an instance of a thread object.







Code (Delphi)


constructor Create;



constructor Create(

CreateSuspended: Boolean

); overload;


constructor Create(

const AName: String;

const AELEnabled: Boolean = True

); overload;


constructor Create(

CreateSuspended: Boolean;

const AName: String;

const AELEnabled: Boolean = True

); overload;



CreateSuspended [in, opt]

If CreateSuspended is False, Execute is called immediately after the constructor. If CreateSuspended is True, Execute is not called until after the Start method is called.Default is False.


AName [in, opt]

Defines thread's name. Thread name is arbitrary text string which can contain any combination of characters. Thread name will be visible in IDE's debugger. It also will be used by EurekaLog in bug reports. Default is empty name (no name; TID will be used to identify this thread).


AELEnabled [in, opt]

Defines EurekaLog status in created thread. Default is True. This argument is ignored if you compile your application without EurekaLog.



Call Create to create a thread in an application.




Code (Delphi)

// Execute thread immediately:

Thread := TMyThread.Create;


Code (Delphi)

// Create thread suspended:

Thread := TMyThread.Create(True);


// ...


// Start thread's execution



Code (Delphi)

// Name and execute thread immediately:

Thread := TMyThread.Create('My background thread');


Code (Delphi)

// Create named thread suspended:

Thread := TMyThread.Create(True, 'My background thread');


// ...


// Start thread's execution



Threads launched with TThreadEx class will be EurekaLog-enabled by default. You can supply optional Boolean argument for TThreadEx's constructor to disable EurekaLog in thread, for example:


Code (Delphi)

Thread := TMyThread.Create('Thread Name', False { disable EurekaLog in thread } );


Of course, you can use the same approach while supplying Suspended argument, for example:


Code (Delphi)

Thread := TMyThread.Create(

False { create thread running },

'Thread Name',

False { disable EurekaLog in thread } );


Thread := TMyThread.Create(

True { create thread suspended},

'Thread Name',

True { enable EurekaLog in thread } );


See also

SetEurekaLogStateInThread Function

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Last edited: 2023-09-11
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