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...enable/disable EurekaLog at run-time?

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Disabling EurekaLog means that EurekaLog will be inactive; in other words: hooks will call default implementations (from RTL/VCL). Your application will behave like EurekaLog was not installed. By default, EurekaLog is enabled on startup for main thread only. You can enable EurekaLog for background threads.



Disable EurekaLog at run-time



to disable EurekaLog for the entire application. Or call

SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, False);

to disable EurekaLog in current thread only.


Both functions are from the EBase unit.


You can also call the


to disable memory leaks only.


This function is from the EMemLeaks unit.



Enable EurekaLog at run-time



to enable EurekaLog for the entire application (which is a default). Or call

SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True);

to enable EurekaLog in current thread only (default for main thread only).


Both functions are from the EBase unit.


You can also call the


to enable memory leaks back after disabling.


This function is from the EMemLeaks unit.


Note: EurekaLog is considered to be active (in other words: will do its work) only if all of the following are true:

1. EurekaLog was compiled in (EUREKALOG symbol was defined, EurekaLog's units were added, IsEurekaLogInstalled returns True);
2. EurekaLog is enabled globally (IsEurekaLogActive returns True);
3. EurekaLog is enabled in the current thread (IsEurekaLogActiveInThread returns True).


Therefore, if you want 100% guarantee that EurekaLog will be enabled - you need to call both SetEurekaLogState(True); and SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True); However, on practice: you will be more likely to call just one function - the opposite of what you have called earlier. For example, if you have called SetEurekaLogState(False); earlier - then you need to call just SetEurekaLogState(True);


Few examples:


SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, False);
  Result := StrToInt({ ... });
  Result := 0;

SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True);




function ThreadFunc(Parameter: Pointer): Integer;

    NameThread('This is my thread');

    SetEurekaLogStateInThread(0, True); 

    // ... your normal code for the thread ...

    Result := 0; 
    Result := 1; 
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  TID: Cardinal;
  CloseHandle(BeginThread(nil, 0, ThreadFunc, nil, 0, TID));



See also:

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