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Exports table

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DLL exports provider allows your application to extract heuristic information about functions in DLL based on export table.


This provider is heuristic. It doesn't give you exact information about functions. It can detect start address of the function, but not its size. So it uses guessing about sizes.


Note: DLL Exports provider may show entries like "(possible fnMSSample+132)". Such text means that there are some JMP or RET instructions between start of the function and actual address in a call stack. This means:

[Positive] Address belongs to the specified function. JMP/RET instruction may be part of the function's logic (such as try/except block);
[False-positive] Address does not belong to the specified function. JMP/RET instruction marks the end of the function. Address itself lies within some other internal/unknown function after the specified function.

Number after "+" sign indicate byte offset between function's start and call stack address.


No additional information is needed to work, therefore this provider can work on any DLL.


This provider is good to have in any application as last resort provider - for cases when executable modules (DLL/BPL) do not have any other debug information source. It's highly recommended to create debug information source for DLLs when possible.


The common alternatives for this provider:

DLL can be post-processed by EurekaLog with "Lightweight DLL" profile;
DLL can be post-processed by JCL;
DLL can be post-processed by mORTot;
DLL can be post-processed by madExcept;
DLL can supply .map/.tds files (this is only useful for IDEs without any exception tracer tool installed);
DLL can supply PDB/DBG files;
Non-Embarcadero DLL can be post-processed by EurekaLog based on output from 3rd party compiler;


Note: you can ask Microsoft for debug information about system DLLs. See this article for more information.



See also:

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Last edited: 2023-03-07
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