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This is setup options for Exceptionless send method (wsmExceptionless). They are located at Sending tab.



Exceptionless send method options


Important Note: Exceptionless does not support adding file attaches to crash reports. E.g. EurekaLog file reports and screenshots will not be available.



1. "URL" (.SendExceptionlessURL) option specifies target URL for your Exceptionless installation. Do not add here "http://" or ":80" parts here. Specify only domain name (or IP) and path. Example:



2. "Port" (.SendExceptionlessPort) option specifies HTTP port on web server. It's 80 by default. Other common value is 8080. For SSL/TLS it's usually 443. Port will be set automatically to 80/443 by default.



3. "SSL / TLS" (.SendExceptionlessSSL) option enabled secure mode (HTTPS protocol). Port will be set automatically to 80/443 by default. Don't forget to adjust port number, if you are using an alternative port number.



4. "API Key" (.SendExceptionlessPassword) option specifies your account and your project on Exceptionless server. This account/project will be used to submit bug reports. You can create a new API Key in your Exceptionless project profile.


Warning: your real account's data will be stored inside application. Even if it's encrypted - it's still stored inside .exe, so it can be stolen. See also: Exceptionless setup, Security Considerations.



5. "Proxy" (.SendExceptionlessProxyHost, .SendExceptionlessProxyPort, .SendExceptionlessProxyLogin, .SendExceptionlessProxyPassword) options specify proxy details. You can leave them blank to use system-provided settings. Or you can fill these values to set custom proxy.



6. "Append bug opening link to "Success" message" (.SendExceptionlessAllowLinks) option will add a link to view bug report on Exceptionless to message dialog after successful send. So end user (client) will be able to view status of the report on your bug tracker (login is required).


This option has no effect if successful message dialog is disabled. Turn this option on for public bug trackers. Turn this option off for private bug trackers.



"Append bug opening link to "Success" message" option is enabled



"Append bug opening link to "Success" message" option is disabled


Note: active hyper-link will work on Windows Vista or later. It will be displayed as plain text on Windows XP and earlier.



See also:

Exceptionless send method for general description of this send method

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Last edited: 2023-03-07
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