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General page

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This is "General" page in EurekaLog project's options.


General page contains EurekaLog activation options. If you need to add/remove EurekaLog from application, or if you need to enable/disable EurekaLog in your application - you can do it here. The page will look different depending on EurekaLog being added for the project. By default, EurekaLog is not added to a project. Additionally, the page will look differently in external Settings Editor tool, as well as in older IDEs without support for build configurations.


When EurekaLog is not added to a project (default) - the page looks like this:



General page for projects without EurekaLog


1. You can click on "Add EurekaLog to this project" button to add EurekaLog to a project and perform a basic set up. Dialog will ask you to select a base profile:



General page when enabling EurekaLog



2. You should select profile which is closest to your project type. The project type (profile) defines typical values for many EurekaLog options. You can change any individual option later.


Note: This option will also load all custom saved external settings, which were saved to default folder on export (via "Export" button). See Working with settings and Compiling your project with and without EurekaLog for more information. Custom profiles will be listed at the end of the list.


Custom profiles will be applied (in other words: copied). Any future changes in custom profile will not affect settings of your project. If you want to use custom profile by reference - use external settings (see below).


Once you click on "Apply Settings" - EurekaLog will be added to your project. The "General" page will change to:



General options for projects with EurekaLog active ("Build Configurations" tab), RAD Studio 2007 and earlier





General options for projects with EurekaLog active ("Build Configurations" tab), RAD Studio 2009+ only


3. The option tree will be enabled and you can change any EurekaLog option. You can also use "Reset" button to clear project from EurekaLog and its settings.


See also:



"Build Configurations" tab is present for all IDEs, it allows you to enable/disable EurekaLog. Disabling EurekaLog means that the project will keep EurekaLog's settings, while EurekaLog will not be compiled in during project's compilation. This is useful if you want to temporarily exclude EurekaLog from the project, or if you want to have two different "with-EurekaLog" and "without-EurekaLog" build configurations:

Enabling EurekaLog means defining the EUREKALOG conditional compilation symbol;
Disabling EurekaLog means removing the EUREKALOG conditional compilation symbol.


"Build Configurations" tab it will have a different appearance depending on IDE version:



General options for projects with EurekaLog active ("Build Configurations" tab), RAD Studio 2007 and earlier


4A. The "Enable EurekaLog for this project" checkbox appears only for RAD Studio 2007 and earlier.


Note: checking the checkbox is essentially the same as defining EUREKALOG conditional symbol.



1. If the checkbox is not checked - EurekaLog will be disabled for the entire project, even though you have configured it.
2. Some IDE versions have bugs in OTA (OpenTools API), which prevents EurekaLog from adding/removing conditional define. If your options do not change when you make changes through EurekaLog's project options dialog - please, add or remove EUREKALOG conditional symbol manually.




General options for projects with EurekaLog active ("Build Configurations" tab), RAD Studio 2009+ only


4B. The list with checkboxes appear only for Delphi 2009 and above. Only these IDEs has full/proper support for build configurations. Use it to enable / disable EurekaLog in a specific build configurations. By default, EurekaLog will be enabled for all build configurations - which is indicated by the checked Base build configuration.



Checking checkbox for any build configuration is essentially the same as defining EUREKALOG conditional symbol in the build configuration.
Settings are inherited, therefore enabling EurekaLog in the Base build configuration will enable it for every other build configuration. If you want EurekaLog be enabled only in (for example) Debug build configuration - you have to disable EurekaLog in the Base build configuration first, then enable it in Debug build configuration.



3. If no checkbox is checked - EurekaLog will be disabled for the entire project, even though you have configured it.
4. Some IDE versions have bugs in OTA (OpenTools API), which prevents EurekaLog from adding/removing conditional define. If your options do not change when you make changes through EurekaLog's project options dialog - please, add or remove EUREKALOG conditional symbol manually.



See also:




General options for projects with EurekaLog active ("More" tab), all IDEs


Advanced options ("More" tab) - use it for custom setups:


5. "Add EurekaLog's code" option includes EurekaLog's units in your application. Click on "Customize" button to select which units include in your application. You can uncheck this checkbox, if you don't want to include EurekaLog's code in current executable (for example, for packages or for non-Embarcadero IDEs).



6. "Add module's options" option adds EurekaLog project options to your application. You set EurekaLog project options in this dialog. Including EurekaLog's options is necessary for EurekaLog to function. You can uncheck this checkbox, if you don't want to include EurekaLog's code in current executable.


Note: this option must be set if you check either "Add EurekaLog's code" or "Add debug information" options.



7. "Add debug information" option adds or injects debug information in EurekaLog's format into your application. Debug information is necessary to build a human-readable call-stack and get textual descriptions of code's locations. You can uncheck this checkbox if you plan to use debug information in other format.



8. "Use external settings" option allows you to use EurekaLog settings in external .eof file instead of settings from the project. Checking this option will disable all other options in this dialog. You also need to specify .eof file to use. You can use "..." button to select file and "Edit" button to edit settings in external file (the last action requires file association with .eof files). See also: using external settings.



General page when using external settings


Uncheck "Use external settings" option to revert to default local/project storage.


Note: external settings are used by reference. Changes in external settings will be reflected immediately, there is no need to open EurekaLog's project options dialog.



9. "Debug output" option will enable detailed debug mode for output from EurekaLog command-line compiler. Detailed output will appear in IDE's Messages window ("Build" tab).


Use this option for diagnostic purposes (for example, if you can not figure out why post-processing fails). Disable for normal daily usage.



Enabling this option will run ecc32.exe instead of ecc32speed.exe;
Enabling this option will add --el_verbose command line switch.



10. "Calculate stats" option will collect statistics about EurekaLog's work and your compiled application. You have to rebuild the project to collect statistics. Collected stats will appear in IDE's Messages window ("Build" tab). You can also view them at "Statistics" tab. Build stats are not saved when project is closed.


Note: enabling both "Calculate stats" and "Debug output" options will greatly increase amount of collected statistics.



11. "Troubleshooting" option will create additional debug data for the "Debug output" option. Enabling this option will turn on run-time debug mode for ecc32. Run-time logging will create additional *.csl file, which will capture everything that ecc32 is doing. The file could be analyzed or sent to our support (please, pack it inside any type of archive).



Full file name for *.csl file will be shown immediately after the ecc32 header in ecc32's output:



oDebug output (*.csl file) will be located in the %APPDATA%\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog\Bug Reports\ecc32.exe\ folder by default, which you can open via Start / Programs / EurekaLog / EurekaLog Bug Reports;
oAlternatively, if you have installed EurekaLog in non-default location, or if you have configured EurekaLog for development (in other words: made folders writable) - you can find debug output (*.csl file) in the \Packages\Studio27\ folder of your EurekaLog installation. Where: "Studio27" is a name of your IDE (replace with your IDE name);
This option is ignored if "Debug output" option is not enabled;
Enabling this option will slow down execution of ecc32. This is the expected behavior;
This option is not stored in settings.



11. "Before Compile" and "After Compile" options are read-only. It's for informational purposes only. These edit boxes show command-line to run to enable EurekaLog in your project (if you're compiling outside of IDE). Please, see Compiling your project with EurekaLog article for more information.


These options are affected by "Use external settings", "Debug output", "Calculate stats", and "Troubleshooting" options.



You do not need to run these commands if you compile your project in IDE with EurekaLog IDE expert installed.
Dialog shows you command lines in "before/after"-style (see: Post-processing without (re)compilation). It does not show you a single command line to perform compile and post-processing in one go. That is because it lacks information to build such command line. Generally speaking, you should have a command line for dcc32, and you need to replace "dcc32" with "ecc32". See: EurekaLog post-process compilers.
If you need to pass additional command line arguments to ecc32 - use "ECC32AdditionalOptions" option.



See also:

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Last edited: 2023-08-09
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